super moon rainbow
100% Silk Habotai 11" X 60"
Sun setting~Full Moon rising with
Rainbow over our beautiful Bridger Mountains. Directly overhead we discover the Summer Triangle with Vega, the brightest star in Lyra,
Deneb-the tail star of Cygnus "the Swan",
and Altair- the brightest star in Aquila-"the Eagle"
~~Ahh~ to fly over the rainbow~~
all that aside, it's lovely to wear
Sun setting~Full Moon rising with
Rainbow over our beautiful Bridger Mountains. Directly overhead we discover the Summer Triangle with Vega, the brightest star in Lyra,
Deneb-the tail star of Cygnus "the Swan",
and Altair- the brightest star in Aquila-"the Eagle"
~~Ahh~ to fly over the rainbow~~
all that aside, it's lovely to wear