"winter's celestial dancers"
Wool / Habotai Silk Batik 35"X 35"
Orion dominates our winter skies. Easily recognized by his 3 starred belt which points left to his partner Canis Major (The Big Dog) with dazzling Sirius. The Pleiades (7 Sisters) are part of Taurus (The Bull) with Aldebaron, his Red Bull's Eye. This year we see Jupiter brilliant amid the stars of the Gemini Twins. Our Milky Way Galaxy flows rhythmically across the heavens in this forever processing
"Celestial Dance."
Orion dominates our winter skies. Easily recognized by his 3 starred belt which points left to his partner Canis Major (The Big Dog) with dazzling Sirius. The Pleiades (7 Sisters) are part of Taurus (The Bull) with Aldebaron, his Red Bull's Eye. This year we see Jupiter brilliant amid the stars of the Gemini Twins. Our Milky Way Galaxy flows rhythmically across the heavens in this forever processing
"Celestial Dance."